Zoe Donley

Zoe Donley

Lead Educator and Food & Nutrition Program Consultant

About Zoe

Zoe is a certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, homeschool mom, wife, homesteader, horse lover, nature lover and life long learner with a special interest in nervous system regulation and cyclical & seasonal living to best support our health.
Zoe moved to Virginia from the UK in 2015, and after 11 years of working in corporate finance she was ready to create a life that better aligned with her values.  She now lives just outside of Charlottesville with her husband, daughter, a menagerie of animals, and has embraced entrepreneurial life as a Women’s Holistic Wellness Coach!
Zoe has been a member of the team at Compass Academy since the beginning of 2023, and now helps create and prepare the delicious meals and snacks provided for the children as well as stepping in as a substiture educator when needed.